Any form of weight loss is admirable and beneficial for our health. We feel energized, gain confidence, sleep better, and reduce our risk of health issues.

The challenge is, achieving your ideal body through traditional weight loss isn’t always possible. Your genetics determine where fat loss occurs in your body, and no diet or training plan can change that.

Luckily, dieting and exhausting exercise aren’t the only ways to lose weight and keep it off.

How Weight Loss Works

 Weight loss is a systematic approach that depends on factors such as:

  • Being in a calorie deficit
  • Consuming enough protein
  • Doing some form of exercise
  • Enough sleep

Consume fewer calories than you burn, and you will force your body to burn fat and lean tissue to get the energy it needs to function. Yes, the advice to eat less and move more does work. 

The problem is that weight loss is a struggle for many because even if you make progress, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll burn fat from the areas that matter. Fat loss is mostly genetic, and your body determines where to burn fat from and which areas to leave alone.

Aside from body fat distribution, the above issue stems from the fact that certain areas in the body have more fat cells that are resistant to mobilization and breakdown. The troublesome areas tend to be the belly and love handles for men, and the thighs and buttocks for women. One reason is that these areas receive less blood flow, which prevents essential hormones from reaching fat cells. Another reason relates to the receptors inside individual cells.

Fat cells carry two types of receptors: alpha-2 and beta-2. When catecholamines bind to beta-2 receptors, the body initiates fatty acid release. But, when these same hormones bind to alpha-2 receptors, nothing happens.

For example, if family members tend to store more fat around their stomach and lower back, you’re also likely to struggle with these areas. Dieting might help you burn the fat eventually, but you will re-gain the fatty tissue in these areas as soon as you return to old behaviours.

Sure, you might diet diligently, restrict yourself, and do countless hours of exercise. But you can struggle to lose fat from your lower back, buttocks, stomach, and thighs­­––the areas that matter to you.

Is there an alternative?

The traditional method people can use to spot-reduce fat is liposuction. The procedure allows people to choose which areas to manipulate, which can lead to desirable results.

Unfortunately, liposuction comes with high costs, surgery leading to significant downtime, and health risks. So, given the risks associated with such a procedure, people are left with dieting and gruelling exercise.

We understand the struggles related to weight loss better than anyone, which is why we created the Fat Freezing Belt. You can now attain the lean and toned body you desire from the comfort of your home. The best part? You don’t have to stick with strict diets, endure restrictions, or do countless hours of exhausting exercise. 

Where you lose weight is genetic but there is an alternative

Genetics play a huge role in how your body changes during weight loss. Some people struggle to shed fat from their chest; others want nothing more than to lose some thigh or buttocks fat. Unfortunately, the problem is, traditional weight loss approaches don’t offer a solution to this problem, and you might lose weight without liking the results.

We understand the struggle and the many roadblocks present in almost every weight loss journey. To that end, our Fat Freezing Belts are a potential solution without the downtime and risks of liposuction.


To lose weight and fat most people do hours of exercise and stick to strict diets. Prime Science has created a Fat Burner Vest and Fat Freezing Belt that burns a lot of calories and freezes away fat without moving or exercising. This makes you lose weight and fat to achieve the body you always wanted while getting hours back and enjoying the food you love.

January 20, 2022 — Timmy Haman

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